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Since 1 January 2021, the chair of Architecture-driven Requirements Engineering is part of the KASTEL institute as the Modelling for Continuous Software Engineering group. Please visit our new homepage at

Conferences and Events: Details

ESPRE 2015

2nd Workshop on Evolving Security and Privacy Requirements Engineering (ESPRE) (at RE'15), August 25, Ottawa, Canada

The Evolving Security and Privacy Requirements Engineering (ESPRE) Workshop will be a multi-disciplinary, one-day workshop that brings together practitioners and researchers interested in security and privacy requirements. ESPRE will probe the interfaces between Requirements Engineering and Security & Privacy, and take the first step in evolving security and privacy requirements engineering to meet a range of needs of stakeholders ranging from business analysts and security engineers, to technology entrepreneurs and privacy advocates.

ESPRE will allow established researchers to quickly identify who is doing research in security and privacy requirements engineering, and early career researchers to join and help grow the security and privacy requirements community. ESPRE will also benefit practitioners who can provide an informed opinion about current challenges they face, and research topics they believe need to be addressed.