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Since 1 January 2021, the chair of Architecture-driven Requirements Engineering is part of the KASTEL institute as the Modelling for Continuous Software Engineering group. Please visit our new homepage at

Conferences and Events: Details

SE4SG 2014

3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering Challenges for the Smart Grid, June 1st, 2014, Hyderabad, India

Workshop in conjunction with ICSE 2014

The emerging smart grid is incorporating intelligence into power distribution networks. A smart grid provides the capabilities to handle the challenges of increasing complexity in the power grid, to respond to demand growth, support renewable energy sources and satisfy the requirements for enhanced, adaptive service quality. Achieving these goals requires a framework for the cohesive integration of communication and information technologies, interconnected in a complex energy and information real-time control network. This framework must provide the principle properties of smart grids, including self-healing, availability and responsiveness to demand and supply variability.

The realization of smart grid benefits requires a major sustained effort from the power and software industry. This effort must deliver advanced software solutions. Collectively, these emerging solutions pose a broad range of software engineering (SE) challenges, creating the need for members of the SE research community to interact with the power engineering community and other communities. This workshop will facilitate such collaboration. Participants will be able to share perspectives and present findings from research and practice relevant to smart grid software and services.