Many software systems are designed to support variability, either at design time or at runtime. Hence, variability is a key factor of most systems. Variability itself covers two dimensions: functional variability and variability in software qualities. While there aremany works covering variability in functionality, there is a research gap regarding variability in software qualities. Obviously, this is an imbalance between the importance of variability in the context of quality attributes, and the intensity of research in this area. To improve this situation, the Workshop on Variability for Qualities in Software Architecture (VAQUITA) aims at investigating and stimulating thediscourse about the matter of variability, qualities, and software architectures. VAQUITA offers researchers and practitioners a platform forexchanging ideas and experiences, analyzing research challenges, discussing open problems, and proposing promising solutions. VAQUITA will be run as a one-day workshop, and consists of an keynote talk, paper presentations and discussions, and a roadmap building session. The roadmap will be published as thought-provoking impulse and contribution to the software architecture community.
Since 1 January 2021, the chair of Architecture-driven Requirements Engineering is part of the KASTEL institute as the Modelling for Continuous Software Engineering group. Please visit our new homepage at