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Conferences and Events: Details

WICSA and CompArch 2016

joint PC of the 13th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA) and the federated CompArch conference, which includes the 19h International ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) and the 12th International ACM SIGSOFT Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures (QoSA)

The 13th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA) is the premier venue for practitioners and researchers interested in Software Architecture. Since its inception, WICSA has functioned as a working conference, where researchers meet practitioners and where software architects can explain the problems they face in their day-to-day work and try to influence the future of the field. In addition to traditional conference keynotes and paper sessions WICSA includes interactive working sessions where practitioners and researchers discuss their experiences to understand the current state of the field and identify opportunities to impact the future. The theme for 2016 is Architecting in time.