The International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE'21) awarded the paper "Detection and solution of software performance antipatterns in Palladio architectural models" by Catia Trubiani and Anne Koziolek the "ICPE 2021 10-years Most Influential Paper Award".
The International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA'21) awarded the "ICSA'21 10-years Most Influential Paper Award" to the paper "PerOpteryx: automated application of tactics in multi-objective software architecture optimization" by Anne Koziolek, Heiko Koziolek, and Ralf Reussner.
The International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE'20) awarded the paper "Automatically Improve Software Architecture Models for Performance, Reliability, and Costs Using Evolutionary Algorithms" by Anne Koziolek (Martens), Heiko Koziolek, Steffen Becker and Ralf Reussner the "ICPE 10-years Most Influential Paper Award".