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Since 1 January 2021, the chair of Architecture-driven Requirements Engineering is part of the KASTEL institute as the Modelling for Continuous Software Engineering group. Please visit our new homepage at

ICPE 10-years Most Influential Paper Award presented to Anne Koziolek (Martens), Heiko Koziolek, Steffen Becker and Ralf Reussner

The paper "Automatically Improve Software Architecture Models for Performance, Reliability, and Costs Using Evolutionary Algorithms" by Anne Koziolek (Martens), Heiko Koziolek, Steffen Becker and Ralf Reussner has been awarded the ICPE 10-years Most Influential Paper Award.

The conference International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE), the premier gathering of practitioners and researchers interested in performance engineering, awarded the paper "Automatically Improve Software Architecture Models for Performance, Reliability, and Costs Using Evolutionary Algorithms" by Anne Koziolek (Martens), Heiko Koziolek, Steffen Becker and Ralf Reussner the ICPE 10-years Most Influential Paper Award.