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OOO ICSE 2018 Demonstration track CfP

Call for contributions to ICSE Demonstrations Track

The objective of the ICSE 2018 Demonstrations Track is to excite the software engineering community about new advances in our field through compelling demonstrations that help advance research and practice. The track is a highly interactive venue where researchers and practitioners can demonstrate their tools and discuss them with attendees.

Tool-based demonstrations describe novel aspects of early prototypes or mature tools. The tool demonstrations must communicate clearly the following information to the audience:

  • the envisioned users;
  • the software engineering challenge it proposes to address;
  • the methodology it implies for its users; and
  • the results of validation studies already conducted for mature tools, or the design of planned studies for early prototypes.

Highlighting scientific contributions through concrete artifacts is a critical supplement to the traditional ICSE research papers. A demonstration provides the opportunity to communicate how the scientific approach has been implemented or how a specific hypothesis has been assessed, including details such as implementation and usage issues, data models and representations, APIs for tool and data access. Authors of regular research papers are thus also encouraged to submit an accompanying demonstration paper.


More information at

